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A Brand Embroidery T-Shirt.
In This collection Mary Stasini is drawing inspiration from the Zodiac Wheel and the meaning of the Signs.
This is the Zodiac Wheel which represents the Human Expressions in planet Earth.
Some of these expressions are written in Greek, the language of the Universe.
Aries/Κριός... #είμαι / Ι am... because she/he is...
Taurus/Ταύρος... #έχω / I have... because she/he has...
Gemini/Δύδιμοι... #επικοινωνώ / I communicate...always
Cancer/Καρκίνος... #αγαπώ / I love...
Leo/Λέων... #βασιλεύω / I reign...
Virgo/Παρθένος... #τακτοποιώ / I arrange
Libra/Ζυγός... #ισορροπώ / I balance
Scorpio/Σκορπιός... #θεραπεύω / I heal
Sagittarius/Τοξότης... #εστιάζω / I focus
Capricorn/Αιγόκερως... #συντηρώ / Ι concerve
Aquarius/Υδροχόος... #πρωτοπορώ / Ι pioneer
Pisces/Ιχθύς... #ονειρεύομαι / I keep on dreaming
You can use the small weaver's skein to indicate your own sign or to indicate today's feeling.
- Front embroidery in circle
- Colors light grey, gold
- Cotton
Embroidered in Athens, Greece.
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